hotel booking
- 酒店预订;宾馆预订

If you make a hotel booking by phone , follow it up with written confirmation .
DVD rental , hotel booking , car rental .
Planning ahead with discount air tickets and hotel booking sites may bring you the prize of an overseas adventure .
She memorized a host of details about her hotel booking and about famous sight-seeing spots so as to convince the Embassy officer that she was just another Chinese woman going shopping in the States .
Responsible for the management of files , writing instruments , paper printing , air tickets , Hotel booking and other outreach efforts to assist the authority to carry out important schedules , the organization of conferences advance sales arrangements and meeting information .
This project deals with the design and development of an online hotel booking system with the particular attention to institute an online reservation system at the Hilton Addis hotel , Ethiopia , using an efficient multi-tier architecture for successful functioning of Hilton Addis hotel .
I 'll take a look at the hotel 's booking situation .
The Investigation and Application of the Elements That Influence the Trust of the Hotel Online Booking System
Hotel has advanced booking service facilities .
If a hotel makes a booking for you , you need to know where to get the tickets : Where do we collect the tickets ?
Our service covers the arrangement of inbound and outbound tours , domestic tours , conference , hotel and ticket booking and other tour-related business .
In view of this vision , the World Hotel has paid attention to this issue of the internetization of the hotel booking trend intrigued by the tour e-commerce .
Hotel users can log on to the system to manage their own hotel information , custom booking rules and manage orders .